
Discover Aldelia's South Mauritians office and the services we offer.

Aldelia Mauritius

 ALDELIA AFRICA Level 1, Building Motorcity, Bagatelle,Motorway M1, Moka

Mauritius is a thriving island state located off the southeast coast of Africa and neighboring La Reunion. It has a population of 1.2 million and a remarkable GDP growth of 8.7% and an active population of 59%, placing it among the highest of African countries.
While English is the official language, the majority of the population speaks Creole, a French-based patois. However, the education system offers a diverse range of language instruction, making it a unique country in the region.
Mauritius has a mixed developing economy, based on manufactured exports, agriculture, tourism, and financial services. The country is home to many financial institutions, including a development bank, offshore banking facilities, and several commercial banks, as well as Adelia Africa's headquarters. 

Our services

Permanent Recruitment icon
Permanent Recruitment and Talent Acquisition
outsourcing icon
Outsourcing Staffing/Temporary Recruitment
Employer of Record (EOR)
payroll management-1
Payroll Management
Recruitment Process Outsourcing
HR Tech
HR Tech & Digitalisation

Our references

Key numbers

GDP Growth
Active population
Internet penetration

The latest news of the region

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