HR Tech / Digitalisation

Aldelia is investing in the future of HR: our digital platforms are poised to open the world’s eyes to the talent that can be found in Africa & Latin america


Providing a powerful link between candidates and employers all over the globe, AreebaJobs is the first pan-African job-matching platform developed to increase the visibility and employability of African talents. A digital, intelligent job-matching platform, this AI tool supports inclusivity and diversity, opening doors to the widest possible range of talent and creating opportunities for candidates and employers alike.

For Candidates

30Matching: Find your dream Job

Our Artificial Intelligence technology analyses all registered CVs before matching candidates to a job offer. 
The process is designed to provide candidates with the most relevant job offers. Recruiters who use the platform are offered a shortlist of qualified candidates for the role in question. 

candidatesTraining: Developing employability 

The platform offers 130+ online courses to candidates, free of charge. Aimed at increasing employability, the courses cover a range of skills and fields, from CV building to digital marketing, sales, and much more. 
Each course is certified, with certificates of completion issued by some of the most important names in business, such as Hewlett Packard and IBM.

For Employers

30Find the Talent you need

AreebaJobs is a digital, AI-assisted platform that provides companies with access to an exceptional pool of talent drawn from around the globe, with a particular focus on Africa. Improved visibility for international talent creates a more inclusive global labour market, and offers employers an exciting opportunity to diversify their workforce recruitment pool.  Let us be your Global Hiring Partner in Africa.
The AI tool considers the job specifications and location before identifying qualified candidates from our database of profiles, helping recruiters to find the right talent for the role in question. 

recruitment programSourcing: Leveraging time-to-hire for managers

Our AI technology analyses all registered CVs before candidates are matched to a job offer. 
Instead of being overwhelmed with irrelevant CVs, recruiters are provided with a short list of the candidates that best fit the job vacancy.
The platform keeps a record of other applications and expressions of interest in the database. These applicants can subsequently be matched to other job offers that correspond to their profile.

With access to a pool of more than 80,000 talents, and 25,000 successful search-to-appointment ‘matches’ to date, AreebaJobs has already been used to source the perfect candidate by many satisfied clients, including the UN’s International Organisation of Migration, Microsoft, Unicef, Total Energies, BASF, IBM, Hewlett Packard, and the Commission of the European Union.
Optimise your recruitment process with advanced technology. 


AreebaSkills provides a valuable resource for companies looking to expand into the African market, pooling the skill profiles available within the local community in a given geographic location. This solution has proven particularly useful to clients in the mining industry or those with operations in remote locations.  Our system makes it possible to define the professional profile of the population in a given geographical area, facilitating local employability and reducing the time and financial commitments of exploring a new business environment.

The creation of a skills observatory linked to a geographical area supports the employability of displaced populations and those in remote communities, connecting their skills with the wider labour market. As a leading Human Capital actor in emerging countries, we are committed to improving lives & helping populations move out of poverty, and believe that Human Capital is an asset for emerging countries, for SMEs, and for larger companies, both local and international.

How does it work?

The first step in the process is the creation of a skills database.  We deploy interviewers in the field to create skills profiles of individuals in a given geographical area and register these profiles in the database.  The database is then statistically analysed and maintained, to form the basis of each process that follows.

To recruit staff with specific skill profiles to fill vacant roles in a specific location, we:

  • Analyse and define the skill profile that is sought and create the job descriptions.

  • Use our database as the first step in sourcing talent that matches the criteria, and/or visit the relevant area to add profiles to the database

  • Match profiles to job descriptions, then match candidates with employers and vacancies

  • Analyse the results

More than 80 million people are displaced globally, through both natural and man-made causes. This can create emergency situations and is often a catalyst for poverty and labour exclusion, despite many of those who are displaced having valuable skills. Aldelia’s system allows us to mobilise on the ground, among such populations, to assess the available skills profiles, connect the population with the labour market, conclude the hiring process, and provide additional training adapted to situational needs as appropriate.