
Discover Aldelia's  Iraqi office and the services we offer.

Aldelia Iraq


Iraq is a country located in the Middle East and North Africa region. It shares borders with countries such as Turkey, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.
The country has an estimated population of 44.5 million and is known to be the world's fifth-largest petroleum reserves. Iraq's economy heavily relies on the oil industry, which is the main driver of the country's economy.
Apart from petroleum, Iraq produces barley, wheat, rice, vegetables, corn (maize), millet, sugarcane, sugar beets, oil seeds, fruit, fodder, tobacco, and cotton. The country is also believed to have many untapped resources and minerals such as salt, gypsum, and stone. The World Bank estimates that Iraq has a GDP growth rate of 7% (2022) and an active population of 40%.
Aldelia has been providing HR services in the country since 2009.

Our services

Permanent Recruitment icon
Permanent Recruitment and Talent Acquisition
outsourcing icon
Outsourcing Staffing/Temporary Recruitment
Employer of Record (EOR)
payroll management-1
Payroll Management
Recruitment Process Outsourcing
HR Tech
HR Tech & Digitalisation

Our references

Key numbers

GDP Growth
Active population
Internet penetration

The latest news of the region

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